
‘Married at First Sight’ couple Doug Hehner & Jamie Otis stay together!!!!

After five weeks of marriage and 10 episodes, the journey of the 3 couples on FYI’s reality series  ‘Married at First Sight’ has come to a dramatic end. YAY!!! Bachelor star and 27-year-old Registered Nurse Jamie Otis married ‘at first sight’ 31-year-old commercial sales rep Doug Hehner and the two…………..

decided to stay married!!! PHEW!

The marriage was off to a VERY rocky start in the beginning. In fact Jamie would not stop crying on her wedding day because she was “not attracted to him at all”.

She even proclaimed in her ITM: ‘I’m getting married right now to someone I don’t know. I’m thinking I just made the worst decision of my life. I am so scared.’

But luckily things get better on their Honeymoon to St. Thomas and Jamie slowly agrees to have physical contact with her new husband. In fact she actually agrees to let Doug spoon her by the end. And Doug claims that he wants to wait to have sex.jamie-Doug

“I know her morals,” Doug says. “I know her values and I’m in no rush to move forward with physical intimacy. It’ll happen but it’ll happen in our time and there’s no reason to rush any of that.”

Jamie begins to fall for Doug. However, Jamie did a lot of damage at the wedding with her lack of enthusiasm for new husband Doug and Doug’s mom is understandably very skeptical.

Doug has lunch with his brother and sister and he informs them about their opposite schedules.

The two continue to struggle with their difficult work schedules since as a nurse Jamie works a lot of nights. Doug’s parents also complain about Jamie not coming to Doug’s softball game. “We’ve only seen her a couple of times. We don’t even know who she is yet,” Doug’s dad says.

Jamie tells one of her bridesmaids, Kirsten that she is falling for Doug, but she’s also worried that Doug may not reciprocate the feelings.

But on a recent episode called “Conflict & Resolution” the two hit a major bump. Jamie discovers that Doug smells like cigarettes and Doug denies smoking and swears on is mother’s life. Later in his ITM Doug admits that he did start smoking again. Jamie is outraged and does not want to forgive Doug.

So tonight on the finale the extreme social experiment comes to an end and the 3 couples have to tell the panel of experts their final decision.

Tonight Jamie claims she is waiting until the very last second to make her decision, but Doug jokingly contends that “last night’s spooning session has made up his mind”.

Remember, the two STILL have not had sex yet!

The experts are on pins and needles as they ask the two if they want to stay together or get divorced.

But in the end Doug Hehner and Jamie Otis decided to stay married!!! Thank God!

But I did think it was interesting that Jamie said that she “hoped they could fall in love”, indicating that they were actually not yet in love. So fingers crossed!!!

A two-hour reunion special, “Married at First Sight: Six Months Later,” will air Sept. 16 at 9 p.m.

Have Doug and Jamie consummated their marriage yet?

See Jamie & Doug and Monet & Vaughn on GMA!!!

Photo source: FYI

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