Ryan De Nino ‘Married at First Sight’ 2015: Bio, Photos, Twitter

Ryan De Nino ‘Married at First Sight’ 2015: Bio

Name: Ryan De Nino

Age: 29

Zodiac Sign: Scorpio

Birthday: Oct 24th, 1985

Hometown: Staten Island, New York

Occupation: Business owner from Staten Island, New York. It looks like he is the sales director for EPAY Systems – Northeast Region, Greater New York City Area. He also goes by the name Ryan Oehl

Hair Color: brown
Eye Color: brown
Ethnicity: Russian (De Nino is his step fathers name)
Religion: Jewish

Facebook: RyanDeNinoMAFS

Twitter: ryandenino(Twitter)

From his FYI profile:

“Growing up, he lived with his mother, sister and grandparents in Brooklyn, and then moved to New Jersey with his family and step-father. At 21, he moved back to Brooklyn to start a life of his own. Ryan speaks with his biological father on occasion but his step-father has proven to be a huge part of his life. He was incredibly close to his grandparents, who have both recently passed away, and looks to their relationship as an inspiration as they were in love until the very end. He wants a partner who is loyal, trustworthy, goal-oriented and fun. Ryan does not sugar coat things and claims people respect him for his honesty……. Ryan has been in long-term relationships and although he does have a type, he has met beautiful women who do not have the souls to match. Ultimately, he wants a woman who is outgoing and who can get along with anyone.”

Ryan has been single for one year after he and his girlfriend of five years broke up.

Source: Facebook

Source: Facebook

Source: Facebook

Source: Facebook

Source: Facebook

Source: Facebook



Ryan De Nino grandparents
Source: Facebook

Ryan De Nino and his sister Source: Instagram

Ryan De Nino and his sister
Source: Instagram

Ryan is paired with Jessica Castro.

The show airs on Tuesday’s at 9 p.m. on A&E

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Photo Source: A&E



UPDATE 6/16/2015: not so fast Jessica Castro just filed restraining order against Ryan De Nino



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