
Ben Higgins talks about his insecurities and his upcoming Bachelor season

Recall last year on The Bachelorette then contestant Ben Higgins confessed that his relationship with ex girlfriend Shaelin Jaid Adams ended because he “lost the chase” and his deepest fear was that he was “unlovable” because he was no longer a virgin?

The overshare propelled him into the Bachelor Hall of Fame for overshares right next to Kacie B. from Ben Flajnik’s season and her heart-felt confession about a bout with bulimia and anorexia in High School and one very memorable Super Bowl party.

So now the 26-year-old Denver software salesman is telling reporters during a conference call on Thursday, Dec. 10th more about his deepest insecurities saying he’s always been worried that he’s “going to be able to go through life and never feel [real] love.”

“It’s a very real insecurity of mine, but it’s not out of a need for reassurance,” …..”I’m excited, I’m ready to be loved and to feel that love back. And I don’t know that, honestly, if I’ve ever felt that love that feels like this could last forever, and I’m excited for that, and I’m ready for that.”

“I think going through The Bachelor, I feel like, I’m not not confident as a man,” …. “It’s not a fear that keeps me questioning everything. It’s just something that always kind of sat on my heart. It’s a burden that I carry.”

Well Ben may be the most self-conscience Bachelor in Bachelor history, but I don’t think he really has anything to worry about. ABC has given him a solid group of potential life partners.

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