
Does Jojo Fletcher get back together with her ex boyfriend Chad Rookstool?

Last night on The Bachelor Ben Higgins met the families of his 4 remaining ladies taking them on their Hometowns. But one Hometown date stole the show…..Jojo Fletcher’s. Poor Jojo arrives to her home in Dallas with cameras in tow and sees a bouquet of 2 dozen roses at her doorstep.

She assumes the roses are from new boyfriend Ben, but as she reads the letter she realizes the roses are from her ex boyfriend of 2 years 38-year-old Dallas salon owner Chad Rookstool.

Chad dumped her 5 months earlier because he was not ready to commit to the 24-year-old real estate developer.

JoJo freaks out about the letter and paces back and forth in disbelief. She finally decides to call Chad from a producer’s phone—thankfully so we can hear the convo. Chad insists that he has “grown and matured” and “now knows what love is.”

He had been dog-sitting for Jojo which I found a bit concerning. At any rate the conversation with Chad brings Jojo to tears. And Bachelor Ben arrives to Jojo’s pad as she is crying.

People are suggesting that producers put Chad up to this. I don’t think Chad was being disingenuous. I think what is more likely is that Chad contacted producers in an effort to get in touch with Jojo and get her back before she fell for Ben.

So producers told him “she will be home on such and such a date”…and basically laid the groundwork for the awkward moment to happen because it made for great TV. Unfortunately it made for a bad omen for a future relationship. Ben was seriously concerned by the event.

I don’t think Jojo was very convincing since she was in tears over the roses when Ben arrived. Tears don’t make it look like someone is “over” someone. And poor Ben already has issues with girls cheating on him so this is a big flag for him.

And her Hometown only got worse when Jojo took Ben to meet her brothers!

Now for the SPOILER ALERT!

Anyhow, the real question is did Jojo get back together with Chad after filming The Bachelor?

And the answer is no… least as far as we can tell.

UPDATE 3/24/2016: Actually Chad is telling InTouch they did get back together right after she came home four months ago.

As all of the spoilers are claiming Ben does not choose Jojo in the end—although he is tortured by his final decision so that is not to say Ben is not in love with Jojo.

But Jojo returned home and started recently dating …… Nick Viall!

And as of today February 23rd the two are still dating which means she will not be available to be The Bachelorette.

2 thoughts on “Does Jojo Fletcher get back together with her ex boyfriend Chad Rookstool?”

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