
Touché!! Jordan Rodgers blasts Raya dating app cheating rumors

Ok! Damn! The cheating rumor drama surrounding 27-year-old Bachelorette contestant Jordan Rodgers keeps getting more interesting! I thought the NFL quarterback’s rep was ‘sacked’ after allegations that he was using the Raya dating app immediately after season 12 filming stopped, but touché!

Jordan has a great “defense”!

To start professional wire tapper Reality Steve launched rumors that Jordan was still using his Raya dating app after getting home from filming the show. This would be in direct conflict with Jordan’s $5 million dollar NDA signed with the show.

Think about it? There’s no way producers can have guys going home and going on Tinder before they are even eliminated on the show. Thus the claim was dubious from the get-go.

So Jordan is understandably furious and posted this response on Twitter to the salacious claims,

“Completely false,” … “[Account] inactive since Feb + completely cancelled exact [minute] [my] phone was returned [to] me in May – Fact check.”

“I had a Raya account through February” …..

“Unlike every other contestant on this show who was flown [in] for final selection and [a] finalized spot on the show in January, I was never contacted nor was the show even on my radar until early March,” he explains. “Just over a week before filming I was reached out to by a producer.”

Yes! This is exactly what I predicted had occurred in my Jordan Rodgers Bachelorette conspiracy theory—that producers came to him not vice versa.

This makes him looks slightly less douchey if he did in fact sleep with a girl the night before leaving for the show. And if he is telling friends that he is just doing the show for fame and to launch a career then you can’t really blame him because that’s likely how producers were able to convince Jordan to do the show.

It didn’t really make sense to me that a handsome eligible Bachelor like Jordan Rodgers would apply to be on The Bachelorette.

Jordan posted a rather detailed diatribe explaining why the claims were so absurd….saying that he found out about doing the show at the very last minute and rushed to wrap up personal business before leaving.

“I did not sign or agree to do the show until March 12, the day before we reported to [Los Angeles] for filming,” he said. “My name was leaked before I ever gave a verbal [agreement] and in fact I said I would not do it, yet I was leaked anyway before agreeing.”

“Per contract, immediately after my filming on the show ends I cannot use these types of applications nor would I want to breach contract by doing so,” he said. “I immediately deleted the profile as soon as I had access to do so. However the auto renewal had already been processed through the month of May and into June. Despite this I have not used this app, had it on my phone or accessed it in any capacity since my portion of filming was done. … Any photos attempting to prove otherwise are old screenshots from before filming.”

“These reports are false,” he continued. “I would not be dumb enough to breach my contract or do anything related to a dating app to give any insight to what may or may not have happened on the show.”

And this BEGS the question…where did Reality Steve get his info? This is why I keep saying RS has a wire tap. I think he is able to check people’s emails and phones. An email going to Jordan confirming the Raya app was still valid was likely in his email box. And Steve would likely interpret this as evidence that he is still using the app.

And hey this would be an excellent opportunity if producers really do want Steve to reveal his sources to “team” up with Jordan and file a defamation suit to make him reveal sources.

Jordan’s lengthy explanation is definitely compelling but still doesn’t explain why his ex girlfriend Brittany Farrar is blasting him on Twitter for being a cheater so this situation is still officially unresolved.


2 thoughts on “Touché!! Jordan Rodgers blasts Raya dating app cheating rumors”

  1. my Daughter and I have been watching the stupid show from the first show. all of them say the same old thing all the time. we have learned the lines almost word for word. it so stupid!!! it’s time for it to be taken off the air. out of 22 seasons only four couples are married, what does that tell you??? all these silly women begging for some man to want them, it’s a disgrace to what women stand for. where are they finding all these silly women from?? take this crap off of tv. everybody is sick of it!!!!


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