
Hope Higginbotham lashes out at ex Robby Hayes calling him a liar

Wow! This season of The Bachelorette is turning into one giant Twitter and Instagram war between ex girlfriends and current contestants! Several of our contestants have some sketchy ex girlfriend stories….Grant Kemp, Jordan Rodgers and Robby Hayes. Kemp is gone … for the time being, but Hayes and Rodgers are still in the running for the final rose but they may also be “running” from their ex girlfriends!

So Robby’s story about ex Hope Higginbotham was a bit suspicious from the get go, especially considering the breakup date. Robby claims they broke up in December of 2015, but sources tell us they broke up in January of 2016. Either way the timing is suspect because that is the time producers call potential contestants.

But then again, Hope seems a bit sketchy herself! After all she did hook up with Bachelorette villain Chad Johnson in what appeared to be a revenge hook up. And she allegedly cheated on Robby with his brother’s best friend, but I digress.

Anyhow, on Monday’s episode, Robby lamented to Jojo about the tumultuous 4-year relationship saying,

“Everything in the relationship was wrong”……..“We dated for a little over three years and I have never seen her house. I’ve met her mom once. And knowing how big of a family man I am, that was hard.”

Robby claims the breakup resulted after a fight in December, (maybe the fight was over the fact that Bachelorette producers were calling him!? Hahaha)

When Jojo inquires about whether or not Robby is ready to move on so soon he says,

“I’m way past that relationship. It wasn’t meant to be and I realized that and that’s why it ended. I can’t express to you enough how ready I am for this — for you, for us.”

Well Hope apparently did not like that one bit and lashed out on Instagram saying,

“Why you always lyin’? @roberthunter89 #thebachelorette #mymommadontlikeyou #iaintsorry.”


And it gets better because Robby’s dad Robert Hayes Senior shot back at Hope saying,…

“Only you would post this” ……“So glad you’re still watching our family stay tune[sic] for the best episode yet next week.”

SLAMMM! That was solid!

So one thought here is that Robby and Hope were on and off. Perhaps in December they were back “on”, little sister sent the application while they were “off”, Robby gets the call from producers and it’s the straw that breaks the camels back.

Monday Robby will return home to St. Augustine, Florida and will introduce Jojo to his family and Jojo will start asking some serious questions in an effort to get to the “botham” of this! Heyoooo! Sorry, I could not resist.


The Bachelorette airs Mondays at 8 p.m. ET on ABC.

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