
Now we know why Corinne Olympios needs a full-time nanny

Tonight actress/model Corinne Olympios quickly oscillates from unwarranted confidence to debilitating self doubt after she chooses to forgo the rose ceremony and stay as an individual in her room.

Yes, Corinne thought she had an iron clad plan to win Nick over by showing up to the rose ceremony naked wearing only a trench coat. After Nick declines her offer to lick whipped cream off of her naked body she pouts and runs up to her room declaring that their “conversation was so bad for (their) relationship.”

I don’t think “conversation” is what’s wrong with your relationship with Nick, Corinne.

So like I said Corinne forgoes the rose ceremony and Nick hands out roses without her.

The women are furious at Corinne’s sense of entitlement. I mean look everyone has to stay up till 5am for the ceremony regardless of whether they have a rose or are covered in whipped cream!

So the next day Corinne laments about her decision to go to sleep and how it may affect her chances with Nick.

Corinne accuses the other ladies of being “desperate,” and decides to show Nick she is special by straddling him and telling him that he is “very comfortable.”

But she also continues down her shame spiral when the girls go on a group date with the Backstreet Boys and are forced to dance on stage. She worries that she will lose favor in Nick’s eyes because of her subpar dance skills resulting from her “very bad short-term memory” and laments…”this is my worst nightmare” as she watches Nick on stage with Danielle Lombard. This is your worst nightmare Corinne? Really? You really can’t imagine anything worse in the world?

She pulls Nick aside to talk to him about her decision to bail on the RC and her subpar dancing skills during the night-time part of the group date. She tells him she is not good with “planned dancing,” She is then shocked when he tells her that he did not care. Of course he did not care Corinne. You took your top off, rose granted.

All of this activity and anxiety has made Corinne a sleepy girl so she retires for a nap.

She emerges from her nap to announce that she wants a “tiny” boob job. Weird thing is, she is supposedly a D cup, but doesn’t look all that ample to me.

Anyhow, Corinne is getting homesick. She starts telling the other girls how much she misses her full-time nanny “Raquel”. I am thinking ABC seriously missed an opportunity here…Corinne should have brought Raquel to The Bachelor mansion or I should say Raquel should have brought Corinne…she should have delivered Corinne to Nick in a stroller.

Next C tells her costars she needs to start prepping said nanny for her future children. “I need to get Raquel ready for that” she says. But really if Raquel is taking care of Corinne 24/7 she is all ready to care for other toddlers.

Obviously Craft food services is not cutting it with their tables of cheese and lunch meats because Corinne is pining away for Raquel’s “cucumber and vegetable slices” and the lemon salad carefully prepared with a very precise ratio of olive oil, lemon and garlic salt for lunch, and “cheese pasta”. Apparently Corinne has tried numerous times to make “cheese pasta” and has failed. By the way Amy Kaufman is always killing me on Twitter with her Bachelor commentary! She said this…amy

Additionally Raquel does all of Corinne’s laundry and makes her coffee every morning.

Corinne is has been forced to do a lot of “big girl stuff” since leaving her Miami “crib”.

The other ladies are furious and likely jealous. I know I am! I want my parents to hire me a full time nanny!

Of course the ladies warn Nick about Corinne, ….of course Nick does not care. This girl is going to Fantasy Suites…bet on it!

5 thoughts on “Now we know why Corinne Olympios needs a full-time nanny”

  1. You don’t have kids, Corinne, so you have a personal aSsistant not a nanny.Grow tfu!!! I didn’t read about kids in your bio. Jumping castle is for little girls. Grow tfu!!!


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