
Corinne Olympios and DeMario Jackson dating?!!

Corinne Olympios and DeMario Jackson dating?!! Time heals all wounds! Two months after 24-year-old Corinne Olympios implied that she had been sexually victimized by 31-year-old DeMario Jackson on Bachelor in Paradise, the two are paling around like nothing ever happened. Monday the couple was spotted holding hands at the “Happiest Place on Earth”, Disneyland! And shockingly Corinne’s nanny was nowhere to be found! … Read more

Corinne Olympios seals her fate on Hometown shopping spree

Corinne Olympios seals her fate on Hometown Date with $3,000 shopping spree Say what you will about 24-year-old Bachelor contestant Corinne Olympios, but at the end of the day the Jewish Greek princess is adorable and very charming and last night the Epoxy-Flooring heiress was released from her hostage situation with ABC and allowed to roam free … Read more

Corinne Olympios takes Nick Viall and America to her Hometown to meet her nanny

Corinne Olympios takes Nick Viall and America to her Hometown to meet her nanny Thank you Jesus! 24-year-old Corinne Olympios has made it to Hometowns! And in an effort to “make America Great Again”, Corinne is taking America ….. and Bachelor Nick Viall to her Hometown of Miami, Florida to meet her best friend AND nanny, … Read more

Corinne Olympios’ mom Peri Olympios defends her daughters controversial behavior

Corinne Olympios’ mom Peri Olympios defends her daughters controversial behavior Bachelor contestant Corinne Olympios may not win the affection of Bachelor Nick Viall but she has already won the attention of all of America with her salacious antics coupled with her rather childish and diva-esque conduct—like excessive napping, having a full-time nanny named Raquel, and … Read more

Now we know why Corinne Olympios needs a full-time nanny

Tonight actress/model Corinne Olympios quickly oscillates from unwarranted confidence to debilitating self doubt after she chooses to forgo the rose ceremony and stay as an individual in her room. Yes, Corinne thought she had an iron clad plan to win Nick over by showing up to the rose ceremony naked wearing only a trench coat. After Nick … Read more

Nick Viall reacts to Corinne Olympios decision to be topless by giving her a rose

Nick Viall reacts to Corinne Olympios decision to be topless by giving her a rose On episode 2 of The Bachelor 24-year-old Corinne Olympios shocked everyone, even Nick Viall when she removed her top and put his hands on her bare breasts during a group date. Yes, somehow – a wedding-style photoshoot – ended up with Nick … Read more

7 Things to know about Bachelor contestant Corinne Olympios

Last night we enjoyed the premiere of the 2017 season of The Bachelor and it was clear that the role of villain would be played by aspiring actress/model Corinne Olympios. Corinne is seen at the beginning in her intro at her home in Fort Lauderdale, Florida with her mom, her dad and her nanny Raquel. Yes, Corinne tells … Read more

Nick Viall premiere night part 1: sharks, weiners, balls, camels and one night stands

Nick Viall premiere night part 1: sharks, weiners, balls, camels and one night stands Tonight Nick Viall’s season of The Bachelor premiered with an astounding 30 amazing ladies and some astoundingly suggestive introductions! Yep for some reason ABC gave Bachelor Nick 5 bonus ladies to choose from. One thing I will say about Nick is … Read more