Bachelor Pad 3: Cast post-production pics

Bachelor Pad always produces a bevy of situations and relationships — and some of those relationships are friendships. Here we see some members of the cast, Blakeley Shea, Rachel Truehart, Jaclyn Swartz, Erica Rose and Ed Swiderski hangin’ post-production per… Continue Reading

Evidence Michael Stagliano was dating Emily Tuchscherer before Bachelor Pad

We received an amazing piece of evidence from one of our readers that Michael Stagliano was indeed dating his current girlfriend, Emily Tuchscherer, prior to going on Bachelor Pad 3. You can see the date on screenshot featuring the Instagram… Continue Reading

Show insiders confirm Sean Lowe is the next Bachelor

sean lowe bachelorette

A production insider from the Bachelor confirmed that Sean Lowe is the next Bachelor. According to E! News a source claims “Sean is our choice.”E! News, unlike Reality Steve,  is ABC approved for Bachelor press so their confirmation is noteworthy. The… Continue Reading

Micro Situation Recap: ‘Bachelor Pad 3′ finale

Bachelor Pad 3 finale Nick Peterson and Rachel Truehart KEEP SHARE

Welcome to Penny Farthing’s micro recap. These will be the opposite of the typical War and Peace-length recaps that a lot of bloggers out there are doing. I mean…some of these bloggers even include commentary on the commercials that air… Continue Reading

Sean Lowe Bachelor Watch: Producers are at Sean’s house right now!

Sean Lowe Bachelor Watch 2013 Alert! Today Reality Steve announced that producers are currently at Sean Lowe’s parents house shooting for the 2013 Bachelor. Steve tweeted, “I can confirm that producers are currently at Sean’s parents house shooting his intro video. Safe… Continue Reading

Michael Stagliano pictures!

Looks like Michael’s long distance relationship with Emily Tuscherer is stronger than ever! He famously broke Rachel Truehart’s heart on Bachelor Pad 3. Rachel discovered Michael not only had a girlfriend but he had a long-distance girlfriend — interesting because… Continue Reading

Nick Peterson press interview: His plans for the $250k

Nick Peterson Bachelor Pad 3 shirtless

It’s the day after the “most dramatic and shocking and disturbing finale in Bachelor Pad history” aired. And we’re all wondering: Have Nick Peterson and Rachel Truehart patched things up since the finale taped on August 26? And what’s Nick… Continue Reading

Michael Stagliano: Behind the scenes of the Bachelor Pad finale

We were very excited to see Michael Stagliano in the hot seat last night on the Bachelor Pad finale and today he told Parade Magazine what was happening behind the scenes regarding his relationship with Rachel and the shocking confrontation.… Continue Reading

Blakeley Shea engagement ring: ABC and Neil Lane pay $100k

We all saw Nick Peterson win the Bachelor Pad and the 250k tonight, but the real winners may have been Blakeley Shea Jones and Tony Pieper, who got officially engaged! Blakeley appeared to be totally surprised when Tony got down… Continue Reading

Nick Peterson wins Bachelor Pad 3 and KEEPS all $250,000!

Nick Peterson and Rachel Truehart Bachelor Pad 3 finale

Holy Crap! So, for those of you that opted to watch Monday Night Football tonight instead of the finale of Bachelor Pad 3, here’s the biggest thing that you missed: Nick Peterson does what no one thought anyone on this… Continue Reading