
Season 9 Bachelorette Recap Episode 7: Your faves weigh in

Bachelorette recap episode 7

Photo: ABC/Angus Muir Ok, to start, what was up with ABC flying Catherine Giudici, Jackie Parr and Leslie Murphy all the way to Portugal just to peer at Desiree’s dudes through binoculars? They must have met the guys, grilled them and then ABC decided to edit that entire part out? Because the set-up was that … Read more

Season 9 Bachelorette Recap Episode 6: Your faves weigh in

Desiree The Bachelorette episode 6

My apologies for not churning out a Penny Farthing recap last week for episode 5. My excuse is two-fold. First, I was on vacation in Rehoboth Beach, DE. But, second, the episode was *really* boring. Other than Bryden’s ridiculous decision to fly all the way to Munich only to up and leave and the amazing … Read more

Bachelorette Desiree Hartsock and the Ben Scott situation

Ben Scott Bachelorette

Ben Scott, 29 the 6’2″, charming, gregarious Bartender/single dad from Dallas/Lubbock, Texas has become the Courtney Robertson of The Bachelorette. Ben is rubbing the guys in the house the wrong way to put it mildly by not playing by the guy code. SIDE NOTE: Ben Scott dated Erica Larson, a contestant on NBC’s Ready for … Read more

The Bachelorette Recap Season 9 Episode 2: Your faves weigh in

Desiree Hartsock Bachelorette Episode 2 Soulja Boy Video

Photo: ABC Welcome to my uber-speedy, micro Bachelorette recap! My favorite part of this week’s episode of The Bachelorette was “The Type 1 Diabetes Overshare”. I love it when there’s a serious sit-down that has to happen. And then there’s a lot of build-up about the situation. And then the situation is really not that … Read more

Bachelorette Desiree Hartsock: The Introductions

Bachelorette Desiree Hartsock: The Introductions The first landing gear to land on the freshly hosed driveway was Drew Kenney’s. Drew Kenney is the 28-year-old professional model from Phoenix/Scottsdale, Arizona although interestingly ABC is calling him some kind of Visual Marketing Specialist. I guess they don’t want you to think this is just another casting call. … Read more