
Corinne Olympios and DeMario Jackson dating?!!

Corinne Olympios and DeMario Jackson dating?!! Time heals all wounds! Two months after 24-year-old Corinne Olympios implied that she had been sexually victimized by 31-year-old DeMario Jackson on Bachelor in Paradise, the two are paling around like nothing ever happened. Monday the couple was spotted holding hands at the “Happiest Place on Earth”, Disneyland! And shockingly Corinne’s nanny was nowhere to be found! … Read more

DeMario Jackson claims he’s the victim of a conspiracy

The Corinne Olympios – DeMario Jackson situation unfolding on season 4 of Bachelor in Paradise has been epic. In the long 15-year history of The Bachelor franchise never has anything of this magnitude occurred. But it’s also very confusing. I have been struggling for days to figure out who exactly these two have a beef with … Read more

DeMario Jackson relieved BiP investigation found no ‘misconduct’

Thirty-year-old Bachelor in Paradise star DeMario Jackson is breathing a huge sigh of relief today as the investigation into alleged ‘misconduct’ on the set by contestant Corinne Olympios, 30 and one show producer wrapped with the conclusion of ‘no misconduct’. The actual allegations have remained pretty fuzzy, but the implications at this point are pretty clear. … Read more

Corinne Olympios responds to results of investigation into misconduct by show

Corinne Olympios responds to results of investigation into misconduct by show We are in the midst of season 13 of The Bachelorette, but the real Bachelor Nation news is coming from season 4 of Bachelor in Paradise which has yet to air, but is presently filming in Sayulita, Mexico. The show abruptly halted filming on June 11th … Read more

Warner Bros finds no misconduct in BIP investigation of Corinne Olympios DeMario Jackson situation

Warner Bros finds no misconduct in BIP investigation of Corinne Olympios DeMario Jackson situation Ten days ago the world was shaken by the news that Warner Bros had shut down production of Bachelor in Paradise over allegations of misconduct filed by a producer. I have to admit I was stunned given that we are talking about … Read more

Corinne Olympios’ drunken misconduct gets Bachelor in Paradise shut-down!

Corinne Olympios’ drunken misconduct gets Bachelor in Paradise shut-down! Wow! It’s hard to imagine that any behavior could be so egregious and shocking that ABC would shut down production of Bachelor in Paradise. After all the show depends on shocking behavior! But if anyone could do it, 24-year-old Corinne Olympios could. ABC announced they’d halted … Read more