
‘The Bachelor Season 16’ episode 2 recaps: Your faves weigh in

Yep, we’re aggregating all of the awesome Bachelor episode 2 recap blogs we’ve found out there for you once again. And, by now, one of the “faves” that we are hoping you’d like to have “weigh in” is yours truly — here at Ok! Here is the Situation — right? I’ll keep my thoughts brief, since you don’t know me well enough yet to really want to dig in to an in-depth article on my thoughts. But, I’m hoping you’re liking our BRAND NEW site and will want to hear more from us as you get to know us better!

Some choice nuggets from episode 2:

Blakeley’s overall style is a SITUATION! I’m 34 as well, so I can tell you that dressing “’80s hooker chic” is not *in* with my age group. I loved that Ben was infatuated with her look, too. He even said something like, “what’s going on with your look?” Which she took as a compliment I’d think, but I took as some serious inquisitiveness, like…really…WHAT IS GOING ON WITH YOUR LOOK?!? It’s almost mesmerizing how anachronistic it is. Hair elevated by hairspray?? Earrings that are a foot long?? I also love, and, again, I’m 34 too, that she is called a “cougar” by one of the girls. Now 34 is definitely not quite cougar age, but on the Bachelor is pretty much is, so it was really a good, funny call!

I am loving that Jaclyn is obviously just there to have fun. She is drama-free and just having a great time. Love it! But, in one of her ITM’s she was wearing what looked to be a doily-styled shirt. Yes, I mean it looked like a lace place-mat type thing, but fashioned into a shirt. And THEN, during the rose ceremony, Courtney shows up with another doily-styled number. WHAT IS UP WITH DOILY FASHION?!?! Did I miss some 2011 fashion memo??

Speaking of Courtney, well, we broke down her personality type using the ancient personality tool, The Enneagram. And we also broke down Ben’s personality type, and speculated on their compatibility. So check that article out, written by my partner-in-situational-crime, C Lo. What I loved about Courtney during this episode is that either she is actually not “smart” and “witty” or the show’s editors edited out all of her “smart” and “witty” scenes, because when Ben said something like, “Courtney is the whole package. She’s smart, witty and drop-dead gorgeous,” I just didn’t get it. She seems laid back. She seems friendly (towards him). So I can think of other positive adjectives for her, but “smart” and “witty” weren’t really on display — at least in episodes 1 and 2. I’ll be looking out for it in future episodes for sure! Also – did you notice she’s really into the Party of Five sleeves-over-hand-plams thing, while gesturing? Maybe she’s doing it because she knows Ben went on a date with Jennifer Love Hewitt, or maybe she is just super deep, emo and expressive..?

Some of the best quotes from episode 2:

Courtney to Kacie B: “How’d that taste coming out of your mouth?” [um, that’s mean!]

Ben voice-over: “Seeing Blakely in the corner of the luggage room kind of curled up into a ball was tough for me.” [Ha! I love that someone was cowering in the luggage room of all places.]

Courtney to Lindzi: “I mean, I don’t want to beat a dead horse.” [Ahh…perhaps this is the “witty” stuff Ben was talking about? I guess you could call it “witty.” Or you could call it sarcastic and mean-spirited.]

Jenna to anyone: [Jenna is just too much of a situation for me to isolate any of her quotes. She needs to go to cognitive-behavioral therapy and get on some head meds for her anxiety. I mean, that’s what I do and it works. She just needs some Western medicinal help and she’ll come around.]

The Bachelor is always so much crazier than The Bachelorette because of the combination of women, cattiness, jealousy and alcohol. I mean, just last night there was a woman holed up in a bathroom stall, a woman hiding under blankets in bed and a woman cowering in the corner of a luggage room. A-mazing!!


Ok, I’ll stop there. Here are what some of your favorite Bachelor/ette characters had to say about episode 2:


Here’s what Craig Robinson (who we reported on recently) had to say: “This may invite some criticism, but Courtney is showing that she’s more interested in “WINNING” the competition than Ben.  As a contestant on this type of show, competitive people have a tendency to feel like they want to win the show rather than find love on the show.  Courtney is obviously competitive. Ben should realize that while Courtney is hot, she’s lacking FWP and full of BS.  To say that she doesn’t get asked out on dates often should be a red flag.”

Read more from Craig Robinson on Bachelor.TV….


And, now some insights on episode 2’s fashion from Possessionista!

Shawn, I could forgive your unfortunate two-tone hair. I could let the rhinestone encrusted snake dress slide. But an armband?

Are you baiting me?

And speaking of banned (see what I did there?) Last week Brittney introduced us to her Granny and this week we almost got to see her Granny Panties. A note to all future bachelorettes: please sit down in the dressing room before you sit down in front of America. You were thisclose to the most dramatic rose ceremony. Ever.”

Read more from Possessionista on Bachelor.TV….


Some choice words from your favorite, The Bachelor Expert! “Courtney wears the outfit Emily wore last year in South Africa. They walk in the forest and I swore I was transported into the Twilight movies. Scotch is a peculiar dog name for a winemaker. Courtney and Ben’s howling is entertaining. Ben is smitten with Courtney. He calls her the “total package.” She says the right things at the right time. I hope she is being honest with Ben, because if not Ben will crumble to pieces. “Courtney makes me think big picture” Ben. This is really bad for the girls. The connection they have will turn the girls against her, if she doesn’t do it first.”

Read more at The Bachelor Expert….


From fellow Bachelor/ette blogger Sophienette: “On to the group date, before which Blakely makes it clear she will do anything for some Ben time… and that includes flashing school kids! Side note #1 – All the girls gave Ben a hug and we end with Nicki screeching at him… I said it before… she grates on me! I am dying to see her on a 1-1 with Ben where I hope we get a bit more depth. So far we just know she divorced a guy because the passion was less intense… But she did handle the ASS costume quite well.”

Read more from Sophienette at Insomniac Ramblings – My Reality


Yay! One of our faves, Jackie Gordon decided to weigh in! “It’s probably no secret if you follow my tweets, but I’m a Ben fan. I have to hand it to the guy- there are a few things I’m EXTRA loving so far in this season and episode. For one, Ben’s “real” dates are reflecting his normalcy. There are very few bells and whistles, which leads me to believe that he is less into impressing the girls, and more into letting them into his life and like him for who he really is. His favorite local spots, picnics, his dog/son “Scotch”- they are all reaffirming what I had already believed to be true: that Ben is one cool, normal, laid back and genuine guy. It’s no wonder these girls are getting a bit ‘involved’…”

Read more from Jackie Gordon on her blog at….


Bachelor Pad 2 winner Michael Stagliano’s thoughts: “The date: Blahville and Courtney is on the billboard welcoming those to town with a blank “model-esque” pose.  She makes some ridiculous comment like, ”I don’t like anyone that I meet.”  I fell asleep a few minutes in.  There were almost no facial expressions from her or Ben. The only thing I liked, and it resulted in my “Fla-nick-nack” of the week was, “Rock N Roll” and getting Scotch to howl. Super dope.  Scotch is the man.

I was a little curious that a winemaker named his dog “Scotch.” That’s like a butcher naming his dog “Salad.” Though I do realize “Pinot” isn’t a good choice, or any other varietal.”

Read more Michael Stagliano’s thoughts on TheBachelor.TV…


From fellow blogger The Final Prose! “They head back for an after party and a sad series of events transpire. Samantha gets to sick of Blakely’s shenanigans that she stalks off and hides in a bathroom stall. Jennifer and Ben get some quality alone time and she really feels like they bonded, in addition to a makeout sesh. I really like Jennifer, and she’s one of the few contestants that seems like a real person. After they hang out though, Blakely seduces old Ben in the pool and they have some steamy making out. “You’re so grounded” Ben tells the “VIP Cocktail Waitress,” in between sucking face. Lo and behold, the woman who gets the rose, who Ben claims “he had a real conversation with” is not Jennifer, but Blakely. Jennifer ends the night in tears. It’s legit sad, I feel her pain.”

Read more here at The Final Prose….


From Jillian Harris’ season, Reid Rosenthal: “Meanwhile back at the house Courtney, Lindzi, Kacie and Casey are talking about roses. This is when we really see Courtney’s evil side. She is a dead ringer for Penelope the SNL character. You know who I mean? The one upper? “What is the first impression rose anywayyyyy sooo…I actually got 5 first impression roses…but they were in private sooo….I’m pretty much better than all of you….I think the horse got the first impression rose… so…I’m not gonna beat a dead horse…so…” Geez, she is mean. Courtney really rubs mud in all of the girls’ faces. She’s hot but that only goes so far.”

Read more from Reid Rosenthal on Bachelor.TV….


Host Chris Harrison’s thoughts on The Bachelor Season 16, episode 2: “Now we move from one controversial figure in the house to another: Courtney. From the moment she walked out of the limo she caught Ben’s eye and from the moment she walked in the house she rubbed the other women the wrong way. This week you got a great look at what will become a recurring theme, and that is the two sides of Courtney. When she’s at the house she doesn’t exactly go out of her way to ingratiate herself with the other women, but when she’s with Ben it’s another story. As you saw on their date, Ben is taken by Courtney and understandably so. The conversation between them is so easy and you can see the spark between them. Ben asked the golden question concerning Courtney several times: “Is she too good to be true?” Again this is something that will continue to play out in the weeks to come as Courtney’s relationship with Ben grows and her relationship with the ladies continues to sour.”

Read more of Chris Harrison’s episode 1 blog on’s Popwatch….


Bachelorette Ali Fedotowsky’s thoughts: “I knew right away that Ben was super into Courtney when he said that he had been looking forward to their date for a while. That isn’t something you say on this show unless you really want to go on a date with someone—you’re too busy going on dates every day to think about future dates! I know many people aren’t huge fans of hers, and I was not pleased at all when she said, “How did that taste coming out of your mouth?” after getting her date card. That just wasn’t necessary. But we can’t hate on her for one thing that she said. And I have to say, I think she and Ben have great chemistry; plus they just look cute together. To me it’s obvious that Ben was head over heels for her during their date.”

Read more of Ali Fedotowsky’s thoughts at the Ladies’ Home Journal….


America’s reality sweetheart Ashley Spivey’s thoughts: “Ben also opened up to Courtney without a lot of prodding and he stares at her in the same way that I saw Brad stare at Emily during my season.  It’s a very intense stare.  He also gives her the FIRST OPEN-MOUTH KISS I’ve ever seen him give.  He never did this on Ashley’s season and none of the kisses so far this season have been with tongue – only pecks!”

Read more of Ashley Spivey’s thoughts on her blog, Say No to Cosmo….


Some fashionable thoughts from Natalie Getz: “The girls that stood out to me on this date were Emily, Nikki and Jennifer.  They were hilarious and rolled with the punches making light of the moment.  It’s early in the game, but I am going to coin Emily as the girl I could see myself having the most fun with so far.  This group date was cute and really showed the playful side of Ben that we saw of him on Ashley’s season when they painted the children’s orphanage.  Ben really lights up around children and that is a HUGE plus in my book.  Yay.”

Read more from Natalie Getz on Bachelor.TV….


Here’s what the author of “The Man Code,” Dave Good, had to say about episode 1: “I am really curious to see how Jenna handles her time with Ben.  He really gave her a second chance, so to speak, after her first impression.  She was a mess but I am glad he gave her another shot.  Swing and a miss!  She gets some time alone with him and says, “I am like a guy, not a girl,” and crickets. It was really awkward between them. That’s not what a guy wants to hear. Let me get with this dude-girl over here…bingo!  She now resumes her VIP spot in the bathroom crying.”

Read more from Dave Good on Bachelor.TV….


West Lee from Ashley Hebert’s season: “Now, I’m not saying that Courtney wasn’t being genuine when she said she felt something for Ben. For all I know they had the same easy connection that Ben had with Kacie; only this time the spark of attraction was very evident whereas it wasn’t before. But for whatever reason the edit Courtney is being given makes her seem like she is only in this thing for herself. This is evidenced by her fawning all over the rose she is given, talking about how much she likes it and basically molesting it while barely making mention of Ben. Again, I hope for Ben’s sake that I’m wrong, because he seems to be all about her.”

Read more from West Lee on his blog WestSideStories….


This week, words from Ms. Marissa May! Yay!: “I have to admit there wasn’t anything extremely awful about Courtney and Ben’s date other than the fact that every time they kissed she went for the peck and he went for the tongue. That can’t be too good of a sign. I will say Ben has smitten eyes for her (and for good reason) but I’m still cautious as to her intentions. I mean, if Scotch growls every time he kisses her, maybe he should listen. After all, dogs CAN sense evil. And by the way…what did their date have to do with spinning the bottle? Okay, just making sure I wasn’t the only one confused on that one.”

Read more from Marissa May on….


Snarky blogger Knox McCoy’s thoughts: “Blakeley references her astrological sign with the seriousness of a works cited page and proceeds to make out with Ben in the pool. Then, she makes me truly uncomfortable by talking about how excited thinking about kissing Ben makes her. Good grief, she’s like a sex super volcano sitting on top of a nuclear warhead buried deep inside a shark tank full of sharks with laser beams on their eyes.”

Read more from Knox on….


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