
‘The Bachelor Season 16’ episode 6: Your faves weigh in

The biggest  buzz from this week’s episode of The Bachelor is that Casey S was “Shteam-rolled” by, and I love this part, three different people….from the United States (great, dramatic clarification!). These three U.S. citizens felt it was their civic duty to contact Chris Harrison to let him know that although Casey Shteamer was single, … Read more

‘Bachelor’ model Courtney Robertson can’t keep her clothes on!

Fresh from her slippery in-sea skinny dipping sex scene in Puerto Rico, it looks like Courtney Robertson will decide to bare it all (once again) in next week’s episode of The Bachelor in Panama. US Weekly recently posted this fun preview clip on their site, which shows her opting to forego her individual underwear and to … Read more

‘The Bachelor Season 16’ episode 5: Your faves weigh in

Considering all the situations that have already presented themselves, I can’t believe we’re only on episode 5 of season 16 of The Bachelor! This week’s episode in a nutshell? Some stuff happened leading up to the skinny dip, then the skinny dip happened, then some stuff happened after the skinny dip and then there was … Read more

‘The Bachelor Season 16’ episode 3: “A very uncomfortable situation”

As we discussed in ‘The Bachelor Season 16’ episode 3: Your faves weigh in, the theme of episode 3 was summed up in the quote “This is a very uncomfortable situation.” Now we covered many of the uncomfortable situations in that post, but there were so many uncomfortable situations a follow-up post was in order. Uncomfortable Situation … Read more

Model Courtney Robertson’s love letter to Bachelor Ben Flajnik

The Bachelor folks just posted this clip of Courtney and Ben together on one of their fan sites. It’s a pre-episode-2-rose-ceremony clip that didn’t make the editing cut. How can I tell that’s when it was shot? Well, because Courtney was wearing the same DOILY-fashioned dress in the rose ceremony, so this must have been … Read more

‘The Bachelor Season 16’ episode 2 recaps: Your faves weigh in

Yep, we’re aggregating all of the awesome Bachelor episode 2 recap blogs we’ve found out there for you once again. And, by now, one of the “faves” that we are hoping you’d like to have “weigh in” is yours truly — here at Ok! Here is the Situation — right? I’ll keep my thoughts brief, … Read more

‘The Bachelor Season 16′ episode 2: A fresh pad in Sonoma

OK, so there were clearly a lot of situations last night on The Bachelor, but the situation I am most obsessed with is the new pad!!! Maybe I am a bit more sensitive than most people and notice architectural details because my background and education are in architecture, but I gotta say I was a … Read more

Courtney Robertson’s ‘Bachelor’ episode 2 one-on-one date: What is she hiding?

Last night Courtney was in rare form portraying the quintessential, classic, egotistical, b!tchy LA model that Bachelor viewers love so much. “I would like a one-on-one date. It would be like a shot in the arm that I could use right now,” she tells the interviewer, even quoting Charlie Sheen’s famous line “winning.” Fan favorite and … Read more

‘Bachelor 16’ Courtney Robertson’s Enneagram personality breakdown

Tonight we got a little more insight into amazing lady and professional model Courtney Robertson. We here at OK! Here is the Situation love doing a personality breakdown and we love employing the enneagram to analyze personalities. The enneagram is an ancient tool that dates back to the beginning of civilization and the ancient Sufis. … Read more

It’s Serious: Craig Robinson took Jackie Gordon to meet the family!

We here at Ok! Here is the Situation first reported on Craig Robertson and Jackie Gordon dating on November 22, 2011. Well, on Saturday morning, January 7, @CRAIGR1 tweeted: “Takin @JackieGordon to meet the family. Please pray for her.” It sounds like things are getting serious and it couldn’t make us happier! It’s so amazing … Read more