
‘The Bachelorette Season 8’ episode 6 recap: Your faves weigh in

First, if you’re not following us on Twitter, you should be because we live Tweet The Bachelorette on most Mondays and it’s super fun. As some of you know, as the various seasons of The Bachelor and The Bachelorette unfold, we like to apply the ancient Enneagram personality typing tool to the leads — and … Read more

‘The Bachelorette Season 8’ episode 5 recap: Your faves weigh in

Sorry for the delayed recap of recaps this week, folks. What an episode! In fact, because the entire Internet fell in love with Jef “One F” Holm this week, I had to create an entire, unofficial “Jef Holm is a Dreamboat” fan page to showcase some of the crazy tributes fans are posting for him … Read more

‘Bachelorette’ villain Kalon McMahon is a douchebag on Twitter

Um, WOW! So, we’ve all been fairly skeptical of Kalon McMahon (aka “Helicopter Guy”) and his motives and his overall “spoiled rich boy” antics on The Bachelorette over the past few weeks. And, a lot of us, from the previews, have made the assumption that either Ryan or Kalon were probably the leading picks for … Read more

‘The Bachelorette Season 8′ episode 4 recap: Your faves weigh in

Holy Moly this season of The Bachelorette is boring! Yet, I watch. I watch because I love LOVE and I do love watching the lead and the frontrunners fall for each other. But those parts could really be condensed into a 30-minute show this season. The rest is just uninteresting filler fluff, unfortunately! I mean, … Read more

‘The Bachelorette season 8’ Kalon McMahon: Why does Erica Rose call him a liar?

Erica Rose — one of our favorite contestants from the last season of Bachelor Pad — apparently knows Kalon McMahon from Texas and insists he is dishonest. Rose said the following in an interview with Star Magazine: “Emily should take anything he says with a grain of salt. And if she wants to know why, all … Read more

‘The Bachelorette Season 8′ episode 3 recap: Your faves weigh in

So far, this season of The Bachelorette has been KILLING ME with how G-Rated its been. But then I remembered that ABC is owned by Disney and now I’m actually surprised it hasn’t been totally G-Rated all along (I mean, we all remember the Ben and Courtney skinny dip from last season. Maybe fans across … Read more

Mega-six-uation: Emily Maynard’s episode 3 group date is every guy’s worst nightmare

We thought it was a bit out of control when 25-year-old Bachelorette Emily Maynard took Ryan Bowers to her house last week to make chocolate chip cookies for little Ricki’s soccer practice… and then forced him to stay in the mini-van while she delivered said cookies. We also thought it was a bit out of control … Read more

‘The Bachelorette Season 8’ episode 2 recap: Your faves weigh in

After Chris Harrison laid out the “date card ground rules” at the beginning of episode #2, one of the contestants said it best when he blurted: “It just got real.” That is one of my all-time favorite things that the contestants on The Bachelor/ette tend to say. And I have to agree. By the end … Read more

‘The Bachelorette Season 8’: So many dudes, so many situations!

What is up with all the guys with situations this season?!?!! Michael Nance I mean, we have Michael Nance the rehab counselor/guitar teacher (for blind students) from Austin, Texas and his recent addiction to painkillers. In a deleted scene from the show, Michael revealed, “I was addicted to prescription drugs…somewhere along the line. It’s a vicious cycle…I’m … Read more

Jef Holm, People Water and ‘The Bachelorette’…oh my!?!

UPDATE: Since posting this, Ok! Here is the Situation’s C Lo has done some digging and reports on some of her findings about People Water’s charitable legitimacy here. *********** First, as a writer, I promised myself I would never ever ever use the “Lions and tigers and bears! Oh, my!” headline construction again, but old … Read more