This week’s episode of The Bachelor played host to a bevy of situations, but one of my favorite situations was Kacie B’s VERY SERIOUS anorexia and bulemia confession to Bachelor Ben Flajnik. Now, I in no way want to make light of body dysmorphic disorder — it can be very serious — but I also feel I must comment on how precious Kacie B’s confession was, in the grand scheme of confessions.
Picture a VERY serious Kacie Boguskie stammering a bit before she’s able to fully reveal: “Tonight’s not the easiest night for me….a lot of things that have made me who I am are tough to talk about but I’m ready to get it all out there…..People my age…I don’t always relate to them, I don’t always feel like I’m as young as I am… I don’t know where to start…So, in high school, I had an eating disorder….it lasted about a year and then there was a Super Bowl party and my parents caught me in the act… so I was bulemic and anorexic….it’s a big relief lifted off my shoulders to talk to Ben about everything I have tonight….for me having an eating disorder has made me who I am.”
We here at Ok! Here is the Situation partly started this site because we are situations ourselves. Like, complete and ultimate situations. So, to hear that Kacie B’s “biggest life-changing confession” was a one-year eating disorder…it was just too much for us to not discuss. I mean, if that’s all I had to look back on with disgust I would be one charmed camper. Now, I don’t claim to have body dysmorphic disorder, but I did just eat about a quarter pound of cookie dough followed by an Asian poop tea chaser.
So, who’s to say who has a disorder? Sometimes the giant complementary Parmesan cheese wheel at the expensive Las Vegas restaurant is just too much to pass up, so you ask for more, and then more, and then the next thing you know you’ve eaten enough Parmesan cheese that you can’t possibly cram anything more into your esophagus and thus have to, as the kids like to say, “boot and rally” a bit.
All I’m saying is…..BUCK UP Kacie B. Life ain’t easy and you are going to face even more challenges in life. It’s actually pretty amazing that her eating disorder only lasted a year. One of my college roommates has skeletal pictures of herself posted all over Facebook and she’s now 35 years old…and has had the disorder since at least 1997. I dunno. Most cases of body dysmorphic disorder, which is a type of obsessive compulsive disorder, take more than a year to work themselves out. I think Kacie B may have just had a bout of high school peer pressure, and not a case of the real cognitive disease. Which, you know, more power to her — that’s great — but it still makes me take pause when she decides to get SO SERIOUS with Ben about something that, in the grand scheme of life and issues, seems to be a mere bitty bump.

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