
Courtney Robertson’s ‘Bachelor’ episode 2 one-on-one date: What is she hiding?

Last night Courtney was in rare form portraying the quintessential, classic, egotistical, b!tchy LA model that Bachelor viewers love so much.

“I would like a one-on-one date. It would be like a shot in the arm that I could use right now,” she tells the interviewer, even quoting Charlie Sheen’s famous line “winning.”

Fan favorite and so far “favorite amazing lady” poll winner Kacie B reads the date card: “let’s spin the bottle“. “He wants to kiss me” Courtney sings. She continues to antagonize the other girls with this conceited attitude. “How did that taste coming out of your mouth?” she asks Kacie B. Needless to say, none of this b!tchy posturing is making her hotter.

One-on-one recap:

So of course yesterday’s one-on-one with Courtney Robertson was quite a situation. Ben seemed exceptionally nervous and excited for his first date with the Victoria Secret model. Courtney tells Ben how hot he is. Ben takes her on a nature picnic, bringing along his adorable dog, Scotch. Ben being the enneagram “four” bonds by sharing parts of his life with this amazing lady, like his hometown and his dog. All guys know how adorable they are with their dogs especially when they bundle them up in blankets. This is clearly a strategy on Ben’s part to impress this girl that he clearly thinks is out of his league. She says she hasn’t been asked out on a date in a long time. Ha! Maybe because she just dumped her longtime boyfriend and wasn’t available to date?? Her statement doesn’t line up with what a close friend of Courtney’s told Ryan Seacrest. The friend contended Courtney dumped her long-time boyfriend to go on The Bachelor to find love. Here is the stunning audio! This seems more believable judging by her rather bizarre and detached behavior.

Ben professes: “Courtney is the full package…it’s exciting to know that there’s someone who I have this immediate initial connection with. She’s smart, witty, drop dead gorgeous. Courtney is almost too good to be true.

We are wondering if the producers just edited out the parts of the date where Courtney was witty and smart? Her body language is interesting. She seems rehearsed like she is playing a game using a strategy. Notice how she doesn’t really give Ben a passionate kiss. She gives him a lip kiss and then pushes him away. Then she tells Ben he has a “really winning personality”. I mean who says “you have a really “winning personality“?….someone that is acting. She seems like someone that just broke-up with a boyfriend that is bitter and not emotionally available, so she appears to be regurgitating a script of lines that will make Ben like her and allow her to “win”.

The giveaway:

So the big giveaway statement was after Ben expressed how he really wants someone to share a deep connection with and says he “hasn’t had that in a long time.” Courtney responds, “I haven’t either” and said “the saddest part is being in a relationship and not having that.” OK!! Right there, watch her say that. Watch how she looks away. The wounds are clearly very fresh. The thing about liars is that the best lies are ones that are sort of true. She gives herself away even more when Ben asks her why she is still single and she makes a comment about dating bad guys and finding a girls underwear in her bed. At this point she almost breaks down crying. She also looks away constantly, giving very little eye contact. Liars don’t make eye contact. You could tell by what she said, and the way she said it, that she was still sort of in a relationship and not getting the attention she wanted, bringing me to my theory that Courtney isn’t just doing this for fame, she is doing it to make her boyfriend jealous. This lines up with what Ryan Seacrest said about her dumping a longtime boyfriend pre-show. She dumped her boyfriend because she found out she was chosen for the show and saw it as the perfect opportunity to get back at him.

If Courtney did dump her longtime boyfriend to be on the show, is she really ready to find love so soon after a break-up or is she just on the show to find fame and to make her Ex jealous?

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