
Situation: ‘Bachelor’s’ Courtney Robertson and room 1611

On this week’s episode of The Bachelor, testy model Courtney Robertson invited Ben to “repay the favor” (for her suprise skinny-dip visit last week) by visiting her in “room 1611” later on that night. Since when do the amazing ladies have their own rooms this early on in the season? They are usually co-habitating with the other ladies until after the hometown dates. So what is the situation with room 1611? Did the producers purposefully give Courtney her own room so she could stir up some more drama by luring Ben into her private lair in Panama? Regardless, Ben didn’t show up. And she sat up feeling sorry for herself and sobbing about all the men in her life that “always end up letting her down,” as if Ben should have popped in for an unscripted, rule-breaking, private Courtney Robertson visit. She is Just. Too. Much.


What do you think was up with Room 1611?

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Do you think Ben and Courtney had sex during or after their skinny-dip?

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Do you think it was OK for Courtney and Ben to go skinny-dipping together?

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What do you think is wrong with Courtney?

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How long do you think Ben Flajnik and Courtney Robertson's relationship will last?

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What grade would you give Courtney's personality?

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