
Chris Soules crushing on single mom Amanda Stanton

Bachelor/Iowa farmer Chris Soules keeps striking out in the love department despite being such a great catch. First he was sort of rejected by his number one choice Becca Tilley on The Bachelor, then he was rejected by his number 2 choice Whitney Bischoff and finally he was rejected by his DWTS partner Witney Carson. So … Read more

Bachelor Chris Soules to judge America’s Pig Farmer of the year contest

We know how Bachelor contestants like to use their 15 minutes of fame to make some money and promote their businesses so it’s no surprise that Bachelor Chris Soules is making a name for himself in the lucrative Pig Farming industry. After leading season 19 of The Bachelor and doing a stint on Dancing with … Read more

Was Chris Soules engagement to Whitney Bischoff fake?

When Bachelor Chris Soules, 33 proposed to  29-year-old Chicago-based fertility nurse Whitney Bischoff it seemed a little anti-climatic especially after his father famously said, “Whitney’s a sure thing, but I think Becca is who he wants.” The ending felt forced and obviously producers have a lot riding on a successful lifetime love connection happening in 9 weeks so … Read more

Why did Chris Soules & Whitney Bischoff break up?

ABC Bachelor and farmer Chris Soules, 33 recently ended his 6-month engagement with fiancé 29-year-old Chicago-based fertility nurse Whitney Bischoff. But the couple did not reveal the cause of their sudden break up. The first question when these couples break up is always was there someone else? And in this relationship the answer is ‘yes’. There had been a lot … Read more

Bachelor Chris Soules proposes to Whitney Bischoff on season finale!

Tonight was the long-awaited finale of Prince Farming Chris Soules season of The Bachelor. And for the first time the finale took place right here in the USA and in Chris Soules Hometown in Iowa. The finale took place at the Julien hotel in Dubuque and on a Soules family farm in a barn—ABC must … Read more

Does Chris Soules propose in the Bachelor finale?

Chris Soules has kissed more girls and been more open than any other Bachelor in Bachelor history. In fact as of now he has told at least 3 of the women that he is ‘falling in love with them’…typically the Bachelor never uses those words until the finale (probably contractually). But Chris has already told … Read more

Chris Soules caught off-guard by Whitney Bischoff’s sister’s blessing refusal


Whitney Bischoff’s Hometown date was a bit awkward. For one she does not have parents. For another, Whitney’s older sister Kimberly did not give her blessing to Chris when Chris asked for her blessing to propose to Whitney. We know that the 29-year-old Fertility Nurse is “all in” and 100% ready to drop everything and … Read more

Chris Harrison claims Chris Soules wanted to choose Becca over Kaitlyn

On last Mondays episode of The Bachelor Chris Soules seemed really conflicted about choosing 26-year-old Becca Tilley over 30-year-old Kaitlyn Bristowe. So he pulled Becca aside before the rose ceremony to talk to her. The maneuver made Kaitlyn and Whitney think Becca was getting the boot, but in fact Chris was confused by his last … Read more

Chris Soules on Becca Tilley and the Fantasy Suite situation


Chris Soules obviously feels a deep connection with 26-year-old Becca Tilley. He has no idea at this point that she is a virgin and saving herself for marriage. She says this about whether she could move to Arlington: “I’d have to make sure I was really really sure about you and about us.” Becca is … Read more

Chris Soules on why he chose Becca Tilley in Bali

Monday night’s Fantasy Suites in Bali were intense. It was obvious that Chris Soules was having a very tough time deciding between Kaitlyn Bristowe, 30 and Becca Tilley, 26 at the rose ceremony. Adding to the complexity of the situation was the fact that Becca Tilley was a virgin! So Chris had the added pressure … Read more