
Kaitlyn Bristowe & Nick Viall explicit sexting before show and sex during show more than once

Wow! This new report really is “shocking”. We knew Kaitlyn Bristowe and Nick Viall were communicating prior to the show, but it was allegedly not “romantic”, but that was a lie. According to Radar Online the two engaged in explicit sexting 3 weeks before taping the show and they had sex numerous times during the show. … Read more

Chris Harrison addresses the Nick Viall, Kaitlyn Bristowe, Shawn Booth love triangle

Kaitlyn Bristowe’s season is quickly coming to an end and it’s pretty clear that this is a contest between Nick Viall, and Shawn Booth. Ben Higgins is still in the race technically, but his days are numbered. Previews for next week show Shawn Booth confronting Nick Viall after he learns that Nick and Kaitlyn have had … Read more

Kaitlyn Bristowe claims that she is ‘falling in love’ with Shawn Booth

Season 11 of The Bachelorette is a train wreck. Kaitlyn Bristowe is moving really fast in multiple directions with multiple guys. She has not even gotten to Fantasy Suite Dates, but has already had sex with two guys, Shawn Booth and Nick Viall.  And in her People blog Kaitlyn Bristowe claims that she is ‘falling in love’ with … Read more

Did Kaitlyn Bristowe engage in pre-Fantasy Suite sex with with Shawn Booth too?

Contestant Shawn Booth has a total meltdown in Ireland after Kaitlyn has a sleepover with Nick Viall and after she then chooses Jared Haibon for a one on one. Off camera/on camera Shawn reveals to producers that Kaitlyn has already told him he is “the one”, but is that all that has happened? — or … Read more

Kaitlyn Bristowe talks about why she had sex with Nick Viall in Ireland


Last night’s episode of The Bachelorette was epic and unprecedented. It was the first time ABC had a lead having sex with a contestant pre-Fantasy Suite dates with a hot mic on. The hot mic was key. It is certainly not the first time we have heard about some pre Fantasy Suite sexy time happening. … Read more

Kaitlyn Bristowe gets caught on hot mic having sex with Nick Viall

Tonight Bachelorette Kaitlyn Bristowe takes her suitors to Ireland and decides to take new arrival Nick Viall on the first ‘1 on 1’ (and takes the term ‘1 on 1’ to a whole new level). The move is not well-received by the guys who last week seemed to have warmed up to the idea of Nick … Read more

Why did Bachelorette Producers bring Nick Viall in on episode 4?

Why in the world would producers allow Nick Viall to crash the The Bachelorette on episode 4? Producers are pretty strict in their rules for the contestants and the lead of the show. One of those rules is that the lead can not know any of the contestants. They especially don’t want the lead to have any … Read more

Kaitlyn Bristowe has pre-Fantasy Suite sex with TWO contestants

The previews for this season of The Bachelorette show Kaitlyn Bristowe tearfully confessing to having sex with one of her contestants before Fantasy Suite dates but now, a source at InTouch claims that Kaitlyn actually slept with TWO contestants before the overnight dates! The promo showing the confession exploded all over the media since it is pretty unprecedented … Read more

Chris Harrison says Fantasy Suites equipped with tools for safe sex

This is the question we have been asking for years! Are Bachelor/Bachelorette Fantasy Suites equipped with tools for safe sex — aka condoms? Yes! They are! according to host Chris Harrison in the Huffington Post. Producers equip the Fantasy Suites with “all the tools necessary”. The suites are stocked with “anything you need to have safe sex” . “I think [the … Read more