
Rachel Lindsay grills runner up Peter Kraus on After the Final Rose

After the Final Rose or as I like to call it ‘thread the needle’ was intense last night. Before I watched ATFR I was going to comment on what a superb job Bachelorette Rachel Lindsay did at leading this show, but whoa! I don’t know anymore. Rachel scares me. In fact, to be honest her behavior … Read more

Rachel Lindsay and Bryan Abasolo on GMA!

Rachel Lindsay and Bryan Abasolo on GMA! Bachelorette Rachel Lindsay and fiancée Bryan Abasolo appeared for their GMA interview this morning or as I like to call it … damage control. And it was the first sign that this relationship has half a chance—that they showed up that is. The duo looked absolutely amazing together. That said, the chemistry … Read more

Rachel Lindsay’s Neil Lane engagement ring

Ok, so tonight was the rather dramatic finale of The Bachelorette and Rachel did get engaged. Now the world officially knows that 32-year-old Bachelorette Rachel Lindsay is engaged to 37-year-old Miami Chiropractor Bryan Abasolo. Bryan has been in this to win this from day one and tonight he finally got to put a ring on … Read more

Rachel Lindsay’s heartbreaking breakup with Peter Kraus

Rachel Lindsay’s heartbreaking breakup with Peter Kraus : Let the Crying Games Begin Props to ABC who actually did deliver quite a ‘dramatic finale’ tonight on The Bachelorette. 32-year-old Dallas attorney Rachel Lindsay agonized over her final choice after it came down to 37-year-old Colombian Chiropractor Bryan Abasolo and 31-year-old model Peter Kraus. Rachel knew all along that Bryan was … Read more

8 Biggest situations from tonights Bachelorette finale

8 Biggest situations from tonights Bachelorette finale 8. Eric Bigger’s beard sets Twitter on fire. I’m not sure why the world became so enamored with Bachelorette contestant Eric Bigger tonight simply because he fashioned a well groomed beard. He was certainly a gentleman when Rachel dumped him in Spain and he continued to be a gentleman … Read more

Rachel Lindsay gets engaged to Bryan Abasolo!

After a truly heart-wrenching finale, 32-year-old Dallas attorney Rachel Lindsay has chosen a future husband and it’s 37-year-old Colombian Chiropractor Bryan Abasolo from Miami, Florida. Rachel and Bryan clearly had chemistry from the moment they met. I have to admit I thought tonight might have been the least dramatic rose ceremony in Bachelorette history since it seemed Bryan’s … Read more

Peter Kraus gets emotional about his breakup with ex girlfriend Brittany Hansen

Peter Kraus gets emotional about his breakup with ex girlfriend Brittany Hansen Last night was a pretty bizarre episode of The Bachelorette for many reasons. The men are with Rachel Lindsay in Switzerland and we’re one week away from the highly anticipated and very tense Hometowns. So we generally get a lot of good reveals … Read more

7 Things to know about Bachelorette contestant Bryan Abasolo

Its now obvious that Dr. Bryan Abasolo is a clear front-runner for Rachel Lindsay’s final rose on this season of The Bachelorette. The 37 year old Miami chiropractor seems like the total package. He’s handsome. Hes educated, He’s got serious swagger. And he also has quite an intriguing back story. So that said here are some … Read more

Bryan Abasolo dating reality show past revealed

Thirty-seven-year-old Bachelorette contestant Bryan Abasolo is no stranger to looking for love on national television. Back in 2004 the handsome Colombian chiropractor starred on a UPN show called The Player where 13 men competed to earn a date with a Miami model named Dawn. At the time Dr. Bryan was a ‘club promoter’ from Miami, Florida. Thankfully … Read more

Eric Bigger brings his mommy issues on his Bachelorette one-on-one

One hallmark of The Bachelor Bachelorette show is the one-on-one overshare aka the 1-o-1 O.  And this season the award for best  one-on-one overshare goes to 29-year-old Eric Bigger for bringing some serious mommy issues on his first serious date with Bachelorette Rachel Lindsay. In Rachel’s People blog she recounts the date, “As soon as we got into Copenhagen, … Read more