
‘The Bachelorette Season 8′ episode 4 recap: Your faves weigh in

Holy Moly this season of The Bachelorette is boring! Yet, I watch. I watch because I love LOVE and I do love watching the lead and the frontrunners fall for each other. But those parts could really be condensed into a 30-minute show this season. The rest is just uninteresting filler fluff, unfortunately! I mean, … Read more

‘The Bachelor Season 16’ finale and ‘After the Final Rose’ special: Your faves weigh in

Ben Flajnik proposing to Courtney Robertson

It’s our final roundup of recaps for the season. Welcome! If you are dying to hear what we had to say about the finale, please check out our Bachelor Season 16 finale-related articles: Now, let’s see what some of your favorite bloggers, fans and former contestants had to say: From Bachelor Ben Flajnik: “Courtney. Oh, … Read more

‘The Bachelor Season 16: The Women Tell All’: Your faves weigh in

Wow. For the First Time in Bachelor History, one of the finalists, villain Courtney Robertson, made an appearance on the Women Tell All episode. We love a good Bachelor first! To read our thoughts on this week’s WTA episode, check out our recap post here.  It was a night filled with fashion and feisty feuds. … Read more

‘The Bachelor Season 16’ episode 8: Your faves weigh in

This week we got to visit four of the amazing ladies’ not-so-amazing hometowns. I usually love the hometown episode, but I have to admit that since this season has become all about Courtney, it made the other three hometown dates seem kind of pointless. I was surprised to see that Courtney is the spawn of … Read more

We have a situation: The annual ‘Bachelor’ reunion in Las Vegas

We loved The Bachelor as is, as just a TV show that aired twice a year, once as The Bachelor and then twice as The Bachelor and The Bachelorette. But then we were even more geeked when the annual Bachelor season was extended with the addition of the summertime Bachelor Pad. I mean…there are 52 … Read more

‘The Bachelor Season 16’ episode 2 recaps: Your faves weigh in

Yep, we’re aggregating all of the awesome Bachelor episode 2 recap blogs we’ve found out there for you once again. And, by now, one of the “faves” that we are hoping you’d like to have “weigh in” is yours truly — here at Ok! Here is the Situation — right? I’ll keep my thoughts brief, … Read more