
Does Sarah Herron regret dumping Robert Graham?

A lot of people are wondering if Bachelor in Paradise contestant Sarah Herron is regretting her decision to dump BiP beau Robert Graham after being disappointed in their Fantasy Suite time. Sarah was stunned when her and Robert got time off-camera and Robert rejected her physical advances. She claimed: “I wanted to be awake all night, getting to … Read more

Sarah Herron speaks on her relationship with Robert Graham

The Bachelor in Paradise finale was shocking–and the most shocking moment was not the engagement of Marcus and Lacy but the break-up of 31-year-old Robert Graham and 27-year-old Sarah Herron after a disastrous Fantasy Suite episode. Robert appeared to be falling for the Junior Art Director even claiming dibs on her to new arrival Brooks Forester. So … Read more

The Robert Graham Sarah Herron Fantasy Suite situation

The big shocker tonight on the Bachelor in Paradise finale was the Robert Graham Sarah Herron Fantasy Suite situation. In short it was shocking and disconcerting. Robert appeared to be smitten with the 27-year-old Junior Art Director Sarah Herron who incidentally lives 10 minutes away from Robert in Los Angeles and was aggressively pursuing her. He … Read more

The Robert Graham gay rumors after the Fantasy Suite catastrophe

Tonight was the Bachelor in Paradise finale and the big situation was not the engagement of Marcus Grodd and Lacy Faddoul, but the Fantasy Suite catastrophe of couple Robert Graham and Sarah Herron which had people on Twitter wondering about whether Robert was gay or not. The 31-year-old entrepreneur seemed obsessed with contestant 27-year-old Junior Art … Read more

Was Robert Graham gay or just pretending to like Sarah Herron for cameras?

Bachelor in Paradise contestant, 31-year-old entrepreneur Robert Graham seemed obsessed with 27-year-old Junior Art Director  Sarah Herron for the last few episodes of Bachelor in Paradise. He even seriously cock-blocked Brooks Forester and kept him from asking Sarah out. And Sarah even confessed that she had actually come on the show to meet Brooks. But Sarah decided to … Read more

Sarah Herron explains the Brooks Forester situation

Sarah Herron shocked us this week when she revealed that she came on Bachelor in Paradise to meet Brooks Forester. Apparently the two had met previously and had developed a mutual crush on one another. So when Brooks showed up it took Sarah off guard and made her rethink her budding relationship with Robert Graham. … Read more

‘Bachelor in Paradise’ Recap episode 6

‘Bachelor in Paradise’ episode 6 wastes no time in getting the situations started! Cody Sattler gives his rose to Michelle Money and tells her that he loves her after a record 24 hours together!  “Right before the rose ceremony, Cody told me he’s in love with me,” she tells the other contestants….”It’s just too much for me.” To make the situation even … Read more

Bachelor in Paradise Episode 2 Recap

Well the premiere of Bachelor in Paradise was pretty epic and left us on a serious cliff hanger–wondering who in the world Michelle K hooked up with that prompted the whole production crew to bang on her hotel room door and demand she answer some questions from host Chris Harrison? And how, for the love of God, … Read more

Bachelor in Paradise Premieres and the situations begin!

Tonight on the premiere of Bachelor in Paradise fourteen ex cast-members of The Bachelor/Bachelorette head to the Yucatan and the small town of Tulum, Mexico to find LOVE! And the situations BEGIN! Legs are being thrown in late night ocean dips, love triangles emerge, a Mexican raccoon becomes a shoulder to cry on for Clare, legs are even broken! … Read more

Courtney Robertson in talks to do Bachelor in Paradise!

Good news Bachelor Nation! Bachelor Pad spin-off Bachelor in Paradise is shaping up to be a serious situation. Season 16 Bachelor winner Courtney Robertson is in talks to star on the show according to E! News. “Yes, I’m in talks,” ….. “I’m really excited about the prospect. Who doesn’t love paradise?” It looks like the show … Read more