
Courtney Robertson on the Women Tell All: Who’s crying now?

This week’s episode was a Bachelor first!!! It was the first time in Bachelor history that a finalist has ever been on the Women Tell All. And the amazing ladies managed to make the evil robot model cry! But, we are left wondering, were the tears out of remorse and guilt for how she treated … Read more

Is Bachelor Ben Flajnik cheating on Courtney Robertson?

We at Ok! Here is the Situation don’t like to reveal spoilers, but by now everyone has seen or heard about who wins in the media; they’re making it too hard to avoid this season! So, with that said, the latest scandal is that Ben was so disturbed by Courtney’s behavior on the show that … Read more

How would you grade Ben as the Bachelor?

Now that we are at episode 9, it’s time to tell us how you think Ben is doing.           more Bachelor polls!     Related articles ‘The Bachelor Season 16′ episode 8: Your faves weigh in ‘The Bachelor Season 16′ episode 8: A first-time viewer’s thoughts Situation: ‘Bachelor’s’ Kacie Boguskie’s one-year … Read more

‘The Bachelor Season 16′ episode 8: Hometowns!

We finally got to see the long awaited hometown dates on Ben Flajnik’s season of The Bachelor. Hometowns are always a personal fave of mine because we get an insightful glimpse into the world of these amazing ladies. As a side note, it’s always interesting to me that the ladies always emanate from such picturesque, idyllic home situations. … Read more

‘The Bachelor Season 16’ episode 8: A first-time viewer’s thoughts

Because of my obsession with The Bachelor, I have recently managed to get my Mom to watch the show and this season is her first. What did she think of this week’s hometown dates? Well, luckily, she sent me an email with her thoughts immediately after the show ended: “The family visit show was a … Read more

‘Bachelor’ villain Courtney Robertson: It may be worse than we think

It’s no secret by now that sexy seductress Courtney Robertson is one of the most hated women in Bachelor history. But does she deserve it? We all know the producers love to edit contestants in ways that may not always be the most flattering or accurate, but as more details emerge on Robertson it appears that … Read more

Situation: ‘Bachelor’s’ Kacie Boguskie’s one-year bout of anorexia and bulemia

This week’s episode of The Bachelor played host to a bevy of situations, but one of my favorite situations was Kacie B’s VERY SERIOUS anorexia and bulemia confession to Bachelor Ben Flajnik. Now, I in no way want to make light of body dysmorphic disorder — it can be very serious — but I also … Read more

‘The Bachelor Season 16’ episode 6: Your faves weigh in

The biggest  buzz from this week’s episode of The Bachelor is that Casey S was “Shteam-rolled” by, and I love this part, three different people….from the United States (great, dramatic clarification!). These three U.S. citizens felt it was their civic duty to contact Chris Harrison to let him know that although Casey Shteamer was single, … Read more

Situation: ‘Bachelor’s’ Courtney Robertson and room 1611

On this week’s episode of The Bachelor, testy model Courtney Robertson invited Ben to “repay the favor” (for her suprise skinny-dip visit last week) by visiting her in “room 1611” later on that night. Since when do the amazing ladies have their own rooms this early on in the season? They are usually co-habitating with … Read more

Situation: ‘Bachelor’ Emily O’Brien’s disappearing mole!

First of all, this post should really be called: Mole Gate 2012. Why? Because the disappearing mole situation isn’t an isolated Bachelor incident. We’ve noticed it, so far, with Ben Flajnik as well as with amazing lady Emily O’Brien. But, it could be an epidemic far beyond what we’ve been able to detect on the … Read more