
Ben Higgins contestants and their ex boyfriend situations

Seems every season of The Bachelor brings a bevy of situations and one always involves an ex boyfriend…Courtney Robertson, Tierra Li Causi, Casey Shteamer, (Remember when Chris Harrison explained to Casey that, “three different people in the United States turned her in”?) These situations often come to light some time mid season and involve Chris Harrison … Read more

Andi Dorfman speaks out about confronting her men on MTA

Monday night Bachelorette Andi Dorfman saw the guys she sent home for the first time since taping the show on The Men Tell All. Hands down the two hardest confrontations were with Marcus Grodd and Chris Soules since both men had fallen head over heals in love with the 27-year-old prosecutor. It must have been incredibly awkward and … Read more

‘The Bachelor Season 16: The Women Tell All’: Your faves weigh in

Wow. For the First Time in Bachelor History, one of the finalists, villain Courtney Robertson, made an appearance on the Women Tell All episode. We love a good Bachelor first! To read our thoughts on this week’s WTA episode, check out our recap post here.  It was a night filled with fashion and feisty feuds. … Read more

‘Bachelor’ Update: Where is Casey Shteamer now?

This just in! Hot off the press (of my iPhone text messages)!!! We here at Ok! Here is the Situation LOVE a scoop and we just got a great dollop of a scoop! A friend and fellow Bachelor fan just ran into Casey Shteamer, better known to some as simply Casey S., working in the … Read more

‘The Bachelor Season 16’ episode 6: Your faves weigh in

The biggest  buzz from this week’s episode of The Bachelor is that Casey S was “Shteam-rolled” by, and I love this part, three different people….from the United States (great, dramatic clarification!). These three U.S. citizens felt it was their civic duty to contact Chris Harrison to let him know that although Casey Shteamer was single, … Read more

Situation: ‘Bachelor’s’ Casey S. just got Shteam-rolled!

I went on record last week saying I thought it may not be Casey Shteamer with the boyfriend because of the extensive full frontal hug Chris Harrison gives her in the previews. I still contend that Chris does not dole out full frontal hugs to the ladies on the show, especially to a lady forced to leave because she pulled … Read more

‘The Bachelor Season 16’ episode 5: Your faves weigh in

Considering all the situations that have already presented themselves, I can’t believe we’re only on episode 5 of season 16 of The Bachelor! This week’s episode in a nutshell? Some stuff happened leading up to the skinny dip, then the skinny dip happened, then some stuff happened after the skinny dip and then there was … Read more

What happens to Casey Shteamer? Who has the boyfriend back home?

What happens to Casey Shteamer? Who has the boyfriend back home? Tonight the producers dropped a major teaser about Casey Shteamer but what happens?!  Reality Steve seemed to suggest that Casey S had a boyfriend and may have been the subject of last week’s ABC tweet: “Soon it will be revealed that one bachelorette still has a boyfriend… Who do … Read more

‘The Bachelor Season 16’ episode 4: Your faves weigh in

Our big thematic take-away from this week’s episode of The Bachelor was: “Don’t poke the bear,” a quote from this season’s villain, Courtney Robertson. What we learned is if you poke Courtney, she will not only poke back, she’ll also want to “rip your head off” and/or “verbally assault you” (not to be confused with … Read more

‘The Bachelor Season 16’ episode 4: “Don’t poke the bear”

Tonight, Courtney not only continued to channel Mr. Charlie Sheen with all of her “winning” comments, she also threw in a Brad Womack throw-back when she said: “Don’t poke the bear.” She is displaying some serious alpha male characteristics (when needed) and then tossing in a few alpha female manipulative tactics when that’s more beneficial. … Read more